Talk:Telemuseums storage in Fetsund

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Reading 8 inch floppies?

A couple of us are looking into the possibility of another trip to the storage in Fetsund. The purpose of the planned visit would be to read floppies. As many (most?) of the interesting floppies are 8 inch, the preferred setup would be a 8-inch floppy drive (compatible with ND floppies) with the necessary power supply, FluxEngine or Greaseweazle hardware, a laptop with necessary storage and the required software. A smartphone or other means to photograph the floppy labels is also nice. Normally there isn't internet inside the hall, so it is best if you have all needed documentation, procedures etc. localy available on your machine. It is also best to have verified your setup and your workflow before, this avoids wasting precious on-site time. --Torfinn (talk) 20:07, 31 October 2022 (UTC)

I have an 8-inch drive (originally from an ND computer) and in principle I have the necessary parts to set it up for reading floppies, but it's a very heavy beast and I'm not exactly close to Fetsund unfortunately. TArntsen (talk) 21:05, 31 October 2022 (UTC)

Alternative: reading 5.25 inch floppies?

An alternative floppy reading activity would be to use a 5.25 inch floppy drive connected to a FluxEngine or Greaseweazle adapter, psu and laptop. There are many 5.25 inch floppies in the storage as well, the need to be read. --Torfinn (talk) 20:10, 31 October 2022 (UTC)

Request for access to museum denied

(Full names and emails redacted)

 Fra: Anne ...
 Sendt: tirsdag, desember 6, 2022 1:45 pm
 Emne: Avslag på tilgang til Fet magasin 
 Viser til din henvendelse med spørsmål om Norsk Data – gruppe kan få tilgang til magasinet på Fet for å arbeide med digitalisering av samlingen der. 
 Avdelingsleder Frode .. svarer at museet dessverre ikke kan gi tilgang til magasinet på Fet. 
 Vi har ikke ressurser til å følge dere opp der ute, og dere kan ikke får tilgang på egen hånd. Her kan vi henvise til en generell adgangsbegrensning til museets magasiner.
 Du kan selv ta kontakt med Frode (email) dersom du vil påklage avslaget.
 Anne Solberg
 From: Thale ...
 Mon 19/12/2022 08:35
 God morgen, 
 Jeg beklager at denne ikke er kommet frem til deg. 
 Som Anne skriver, kan vi ikke gi tilgang til magasinet uten at vi er tilstede. Vi har dessverre ikke anledning til å følge dere opp for tiden. Jeg beklager at vi ikke har mulighet til å bistå dere nå. 
 Beste hilsen 
 Leder for samlingsgruppa 

I have sent an email back and asked if its OK if we tag-along when they go to Fet, but so far I haven't heard back.

--Ronny (talk)