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Revision as of 14:36, 24 September 2009 by TArntsen (talk | contribs) (BFILL instruction)
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Description Byte fill
Format BFILL
Code 140 1308
Affected P,X,T, memory region defined by X,T
Type User
Architecture ND-100, ND-110

BFILL is an assembly instruction. A byte operand memory area defined by the X and T registers is filled with the value of the right-most byte in the A register.

The P register is incremented by two when this instruction is finished, i.e. any instruction directly following BFILL will not be executed.

The A, X and T registers should be set to appropriate values before execution of BFILL. The X and T registers will also be modified by the instruction.

Before execution
A: Bit 0-7:  The value to fill into each byte of the destination field.
X: Bit 0-15: The destination field's word address in memory.
T: Bit 15:   This bit specifies whether the byte operand starts 
             in the left byte or right byte of the address defined by X.
             Bit 15 = 0, left byte
             Bit 15 = 1, right byte
   Bit 14:   Page table mode: Bit 14 = 1 selects the alternative page table.
   Bit 13:   This bit should be 0.
   Bit 12:   Not used.
   Bit 11-0: Field length in number of bytes (0-4095.
After execution
X: Bit 0-15: The word address of the byte following the last byte.
T: Bit 15:   This bit specifies whether the byte following the last byte is
             in the left byte or right byte of the address defined by X.
   Bit 11-0: Set to zero.

Example 1

Memory area before execution, each address holds 2 bytes (1 word):
Address: 0  0 0
         1  0 0
         2  0 0
         3  0 0
A register = 1
X register = 1
T register = 0x03 (bit 15 = 0, length field = 3)
Memory area after execution:
Address: 0  0 0
         1  1 1
         2  1 0
         3  0 0
X register = 2
T register = 0x80 (bit 15 = 1)
P:= P+2

Example 2

Memory area before execution, each address holds 2 bytes (1 word):
Address: 0  0 0
         1  0 0
         2  0 0
         3  0 0
A register = 1
X register = 1
T register = 0x83 (bit 15 = 1, length field = 3)
Memory area after execution:
Address: 0  0 0
         1  0 1
         2  1 1
         3  0 0
X register = 3
T register = 0x00 (bit 15 = 0)
P:= P+2